Friday, March 26, 2010

Study 2: Cavernous Condition 4th Attempt (K Malishewsky)

Example of mold but with less balloons. Still trying to create more void and cleaner openings. I would like to try and start creating the inverse of what is solid vs void

Study 3: Shells 3rd Attempt (K Malishewsky)

Study 3: Shells 2nd Attempt (K Malishewsky)

I wanted to create a more delicate shell and eliminate the need of having a square base to create a pure free-standing shell

Study 3: Shells 1st Attempt (K Malishewsky)

This came from an earlier study where the concrete stuck to the balloon and created a shell by chance. This was pushing that attempt to create a more controlled result of the same shell condition

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Melissa Goldman_Test 5

So, I tried taking Peter's idea with the stretched nylon in a cage, but in the rotational molder to make hollow pieces. As per suggestion, I added "reinforcing" fiber to the rockite mix. That was a bad mistake. The fiber congealed all the concrete together in a ball rather than allowing for the mix to coat the inside of the nylon. Perhaps the nylon was also a bad surface to coat as it rotated and something like latex would be better.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Carent Faye & Debbie Lin - Test

this test used "bags" of pantyhose stretched across the frame to dowels of varying heights (2, 4 and 6 inches) laid out in a grid. These were then stuffed with quickcrete mix and spread around within in the hope that the two pieces would be thin and capable of nesting together. The water to cement mix was 1:4. The concrete was very brittle on the piece that was stretched on the bottom so it subsequently broke apart into 3-4 pieces so no nesting of the pieces is possible. The surface textures are pretty rough but the pantyhose texture where visible is pretty interesting.